13 comentarios en “Aunque no es primavera…

    • Cordy dijo:

      I’ve been quite the gamer lately. It all started when my boyfriend showed me this very cute PSP game, PATAPON, which turned out to be very addictive, too. Of course, the PSP wasn’t mine and I col&#nud8217;t get enough of playing games. I then toyed with the idea of buying myself a console, in order not to take the PSP away from him. So, yea. I bought a Playstation3.

  1. solmarygonzalez dijo:

    No importa que no sea primavera..con el frio se agradecen más!!!! está precioso!!! besitos y feliz navidad!!

    • Scout dijo:

      yes, the flavour would be different thg.whu..oell, it won't hurt to experiment with other types of acids. Maybe it would even turn out better. You can use vinaigrette in different kinds of salads (I like them simply with lollo roso, arugula, or iceberg)…or cut down the quantity and make the half.

  2. Maria dijo:

    Las flores siempre son bienvenidas y con esos colores aún más :)))
    Felices Fiestas en compañia de esa super peque Alejandra
    Un saludo

  3. clara dijo:

    Hola. Este es un comentario general a tu blog. He estado echando un vistazo y ten por suguridad que volveré asiduamente. Enhorabuena por las manos que tienes. Un saludo

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